Thursday, March 06, 2008

Atlanta PUG Meeting Tonight

I am really looking forward to attending the Atlanta Chapter PUG (Pictage User Group) meeting tonight. It is the first night this year that it was not on a Wednesday (conflicts with my mid-week church services). I am also stoked because it will be very close to where I work. Maybe this will be the new permanent meeting place. If not, I probably will still go.

I am really looking forward to networking and making some connections tonight. Hopefully I can setup some options for 2nd shooting and/or meet-and-greets. Or even some mentoring (I would be the mentoree).

I will be taking notes and paying special attention. I will blog about my meeting and what it means to me personally and maybe some ideas that will help in my business.

Maybe the information will help you too. Check back soon.

See ya.


PS. I finally took some pics of my oldest son's football practice. It is his first year and I am really really such a proud papa. Jordy is such a stand up young man. I have been so blessed of God to have a great son such as Jordy. Stay Tuned.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

To Blog or not to Blog

Sometimes I could kick myself. Everything I have read about on OSP and a million other places along with the success I see others have with Blogging, you would think it would sink into my head, DO IT Man!.

I have been remiss in Bloggin. I apologize. Sometimes I wonder if anyone is reading my blogs. That shouldn't matter though. I have had a number of ideas to blog about, great ones I think. Some ideas that would relate to others just starting out.

I have to commit to it, but just haven't. So, if you will just bear with me, I will get things in order and blog blog blog like crazy.

One of my BHAG (thanks Liana) is to increase my networking and bloggin 10 fold by mid year 2008. How, you might ask? 1) Post more on other forums (that I love being on), such as OSP, with constructive content as well as more of my pics for feedback. I actually have been sort of uncertain as to the response I would get. Mind you I am not scared to get negative feedback, it is just that first step I guess. 2) Blog on a daily basis. Whether it is personal or photography related, blog something. The third is to hook up with some local photographers who are where I am in my professional career or longer and hang out, share war stories, share referrals, 2nd shoot and all that jazz.

Ramble, ramble, ramble. That is exactly what I just did. I started writing this blog entry just to apologize and promise to blog more. Look where I went with it.

Thanks for listening.

I would really like to know if anywone is reading my blog. Especially if you are a local Atlanta photog. Drop me a comment. I would love to hear from you.

As they say in looney tunes land, That's All Folks.

See ya.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

Bookkeeping, Taxes, Finances

Some of the "ugly" things we have to do to run a business. Some gravitate to doing the business side of a business, but some don't. I have been around financial applications all of my technical career. I have been involved with financial practices in some form and feel I am quite versed in its application.


Sorry about that, letting off a little steam.

I met for a few hours with my accountant this past Thursday. He took the time to review how I was tackling my finances and gave me some pointers; helped me setup my QuickBooks the way I want to conduct my business, not the way Uncle Sam wants me to. I can still tie back to what Uncle Sam needs so I am not worried about that. It was productive though and I am good to go.

I still have a lot to do to get everything done that I need to so that things are running smoothly and I don't have to worry about it.

So pray for me. Let me know if you have any "tax season" stories to tell or if you want to share some of the things you do that could be considered creative when running your business.

See ya.